Part-time jobs...everyone has probably worked one of these at some point. Whether it be at a clothing store or fast food place, these positions all require having to put up with demanding customers. The only thing that keeps me from quitting at times is being able to bond with my coworkers over the craziness of some people.
Here are some of the most common struggles we are faced with on the daily as a cashier:
1. "Paper or plastic?"
And if you pick paper, I am probably going to give you dirty looks the whole time because at that rate, please just bring your own, reusable bags.
2. When a whole family comes up, and they just watch you bag their entire order.
Seriously, the process would go by a lot faster, if you guys just pitched in.
3. When your manager doesn't turn off your light on time, and you leave late.
Double the struggle if you get stuck with a large order because of this.
4. When you get called in on your day off.
5. When you have to work on holidays...
This is even more annoying, especially when the whole store is dead and they don't let you leave early. Good to know that my presence is SO needed.
6. When someone pays for their entire order with just ones or spare change...
7. When you're not good at math and then have to count all the change...
8. Oh, and just forget it if they try and hand you change after the transaction already went through.
9. When all of the cashiers are available, yet for some reason, the customer decides to check out with you.
10. Having to deal with rude people.
Seriously, at times I feel like I am literally being paid just to be nice to people. If only we could speak our minds, rather than following the "customer is always right" mentality.
11. Having to check out people you know.
Trust me, it's equally as awkward. The only difference is that I am forced to initiate the conversation.
12. When you're the only cashier and have to take on the line of angry customers by yourself.
13. When you have to listen to a customer's life story and act like you care.
14. When your coworker takes an extended break and you're left doing all the work...
15. When a customer asks you something that doesn't relate to your position at all and gets mad when you don't know the answer.
16. When a customer says something to you that is creepy/suggestive...
17. Being forced to ask if they found everything OK, but being a cashier and not being able to assist them otherwise.
I never leave my register, so I have no idea what aisle that spice is in dude.
18. When a coupon doesn't scan...
Like sorry, you probably made this yourself.
19. When an item doesn't scan or typing in the barcode doesn't work.
20. Being forced to stand at the end of your register and then being asked if you're open...
No, I'm just standing here with my light on because I love being here SO much.
21. When a customer forgets an item and asks if they can run back for it real quick.
Or even worse, when they forget their wallet or credit card in the car.