Being in college, we see continuously later and later nights that are paired with unfortunately early mornings and long days ahead. For some, this may be an unfortunate, new part to college, but for others like myself, it has always been this way. That’s the life of someone who is just simply not a morning person. Since my days in attending afternoon kindergarten, I have struggled to rise in the morning. There is a strict rule we non- morningers like to follow, and it’s that you must not wake us before 10:30 a.m. And I must warn you, if you break this rule, you will face our cranky, groggy fury.
There are many symptoms to knowing if you fall among the category of not being an "early riser” and here are just some of them:
- Even though you have an alarm set for 8:30 a.m., you will snooze that buzzing alarm until most likely 9:30 a.m. And even then, you will still struggle to force yourself out of bed.
- You often find yourself fast walking with an un-washed face, un-brushed hair, and all around un-clean look to your morning class. Sometime, you might even show up in your slippers (9/10 times).
- You are usually making your way to the kitchen for some pancakes and eggs at the time the rest of the world calls, “lunch”.
- Waking up at 8 a.m. is hard, but sometimes crucial. If you have an important event to attend early, you will most likely squeeze in a nap later in your day. Even if it is only at 10 a.m.
- You find yourself particularly snappy when you do get up before 10:30 a.m. and it’s an unspoken rule that people generally should not talk to you during this time.
- Your family and friends are often questioning your safety when you don’t reply to their texts or calls anytime before noon.
- People love to question your ability to sleep in so late, when really it’s just a gift.
Now that we have addressed just some of the factors that group us non- morningers together, what do you think? Are you one of us? Do you hate mornings too? If you do, then welcome! To all my people that love their beauty sleep, especially in the morning, keep doing you and it’s OKAY that you wear your slippers to class because we understand your struggles. Breakfast is anytime, slippers areshoes, and the morning is for sleeping.