Being a girl with long hair is awesome, sometimes it even doubles as a blanket.. other times, not so much. Here are 11 struggles you might understand if you have long hair too.
1. Immediately freaking out when you think there's a bug on you, swinging your arms around and around trying to get it off... Oh, but it's just your hair.
2. The lint roller will become your best friend because your hair is all over clothes, all over the shower, floor... everywhere.
3. It takes years for your hair to dry. Even if you use a blow dryer. The plus side is that you get a mini arm workout.
4. When you have to make that decision on whether or not it goes in/outside of your jacket.. or bookbag.
5. Having everyone ask you "how did your hair get so long?"
6. Having a hair band on your wrist is your favorite accessory because let's face it, can you really go ALL day with your hair down?
7. Remembering to be gentle when brushing your hair whether it's wet or dry. If your hair is wet, detangler will be your go-to for your knotty hair.
8. Shutting your hair in your car door...ouch.
9. Having to clean your hair brush constantly gets annoying really quick.
10. Fearing haircuts because you're scared they'll cut too much off.
11. Your worst nightmare is when that "favorite accessory" of a hair band snaps...
If you have long hair too, you get the point.