If you have any name that is not considered "normal" in the book of baby names, you feel my pain on this. While I feel thankful to have a first name that is not the most common, it can be very frustrating at times when I need to explain to people that I am "No 'O' Livia."
When I was little I would have done anything to have a "normal" name and get the 'O' added to my name, yet at almost 21 years old, I now am forever thankful my mom decided to think out of the box.
So to answer the question you're probably wondering, there really is not an 'O' in my name.
Simply because my mom didn't want it and liked the name "Livia" better.
Anticlimactic I know.
The first day of school is always a bit of a struggle. For example, yesterday I started my summer class and my teacher had a quick Q&A form with me in front of the whole class about my name, how to spell it, and why there is not an O.
Speaking of class, in high school whenever there was a substitute teacher they would call the roll until they got to "Lee-ve-a" I would silently roll my eyes and explain it was pronounced just like "Olivia" but without the 'O', no weird pronunciation is needed just because a letter is missing.
Legal documents also tend to be a nightmare because even if I meet someone and get them to say "Livia", they still automatically think that my legal name is "Olivia", so they write that on a document, then everything is messed up and now "No 'O' Livia" is sad.
On the plus side, I get to wow the elderly customers that I serve at work.
Me: "Hello! How are you all today...my name is Livia, I'll be taking care of you..."
Older customer, pushing glasses up to the top of their nose and squinting while leaning in much closer to look at my name tag: "But why is it not Olivia"
Me, fake laughing for the 15th time that night: "Because I couldn't buy the vowel!"
Customer: "Hahahaha, boy, are you clever!"
(Not really, I've used this saying probably ten thousand times already and I do it in the hopes that you'll like me and tip well.)
Now that this name issue is over, hurry up and tell me what you want to drink.
So I maybe have a few jokes. But what was not funny was when I was little and wanted a souvenir with my name on it from a new place that we had visited. You know what I'm talking about, the little touristy key chains you see in gift shops, or the personalized coffee mugs, license plate names, etc. Well, my childhood did not consist of any of these items.
Traumatic, I know.
So for what its worth, I am happy to be named Livia. Although frustrating at times, I feel it gives a good story and is a name people will remember!
Now for getting it added to the book of baby names...