Some of us cannot help the fact that we talk loudly, even when we are trying our very best to lower our volume. Those of us who face this struggle on a daily basis often encounter statements that we are so tired of hearing, but are all too familiar with to even really care.
1. Constantly being told to "stop yelling," when you absolutely aren't, which makes you mad, causing you to actually yell.
2. Please stop "shush-ing" me. You may politely ask me to lower my voice a little bit, but I am so sick of hearing "Shhhhhhhh!"
It also makes me feel nervous to ever speak again in fear that I will be rudely dismissed.
3. Just because I have a loud speaking voice, does not mean that I am outgoing.
Some people use their loud speaking as a way to mask their shy or nervous personality.
4. Whispering? What is that....?
Everyone can hear your private that become "not-so-private" convos, which definitely can have a negative effect, which can have people jumping in and joining in on those talks. And let's not forget the horrible feeling when you are out in a restaurant talking with someone, and the person five booths away can hear you perfectly fine, leaving you to know that you are really annoying the heck out of them. Then constantly looking at them out of the corner of your eye to make sure they are not giving you dirty looks.