Every family has its baby, its youngest child. What the world doesn't know is that this title is both a curse and a blessing.
1. "You do things we never got to do when we were your age."
No matter what the situation, be it getting a cell phone before the age your siblings did, getting your driver's license before the age they did or staying up later than they did, it is the one aspect of your relationship with your siblings that you know will always be the same. Yes, that's right. It never changes. Buckle down and get ready to hear this line until your siblings die (because they'll die first, ha!).
2. Hand-me-downs become your best friend.
Money can sometimes be tight in a bigger family, and not everyone can get new clothes all at once, and since you're the youngest and last to grow, you often end up wearing your siblings' old clothes. Not that this is a completely bad thing, especially when you get older and the hand-me-downs started getting nicer, instead of being old shirts that are slightly torn and way too big. Being the youngest does pay off, sometimes.
3. You often get left out of games because you're "too little."
This happens especially when you're much younger than your siblings. It's a lonely childhood, full of imaginary friends, made-up stories and lots of time with parents, not to mention getting banned from the trampoline, left behind on adventures (unless mom forces them to take you with them) and/or put in a dark bathroom with toy handcuffs on (yes, my three wonderful siblings, I remember that).
4. "Yep, this is my little baby!"
Get ready to hear this one your whole life, too. It will never cease. No matter how much you tell your mom that you're an adult now, no matter how old you get, you will always be her baby, and she will always introduce you as such. Let her live in her perfect little world, because she did birth you, and you owe your existence to her. Thanks, Mom.
5. You're always compared to your older siblings.
"Oh, you look so much like Billy!" "Didn't Susie major in economics too?" This is a constant frustration as the family "baby." It's hard to be your own person with the legacy of your siblings hanging over your head. Every teacher at your school had them come through their classroom at some point in time, and they each have a habit of comparing you to your older siblings and accidentally calling you by their names. Family reunions are especially bad. Old women (who haven't seen you on a regular basis since you were 3) squinting to get a good look at your face and then thinking you are your sibling. After so many years of getting this reaction, you just accept it. You only see these people once every couple years, you might as well give up on trying to explain that you're not Susie. You can put up with being your sibling for a couple hours.
6. You wouldn't want it any other way.
In the end, you know that even though your siblings sometimes seem like devil spawn, you couldn't ask for better people in your life. There is no one better to turn to when life gets rough, and they'll always be there. You know that your siblings are truly your best friends in life. Plus, you're the best youngest child your parents could ever ask for, so be sure to rock it!