Whether you go to community college, public university or private school every college student knows that there are certain struggles we all go through in the course of obtaining our degree. We have to overcome all sorts of things from not knowing what floor cleaner to use in our bathrooms to having to figure out what exactly MLA formatting is and how to use it. So for all those college students out there here are just a few of the struggles we all go through, as told by memes.
1. Student Loans- It is almost impossible to get through college now without student loans, and once you start you will never be able to stop getting them and you will probably be paying them until your old and gray.
2. Living in a dorm- Do not forget your keys because your mom is not there to tell you where the spare is, and guess what? There isn't a spare. You better call your RA and hope she isn't in class.
3. Buying textbooks- Walk in with $1000, walk out with four textbooks, one access code and no more money.
4. Juggling all your new adult responsibilities- you now have to buy groceries, pay your own bills, wash your own laundry, put your dishes away, and make your own doctor's appointments. Welcome to adulthood and good luck.
5. Finding time to sleep- no college student ever gets enough sleep. We tend to live off energy drinks, coffee, and about three hours of sleep a night. (If it's not finals week.)
6. Meeting all your deadlines- You might as well forget turning in every assignment on time because it will not happen. You will forget to do something and it will be late. And we all have that professor that will refuse to take late assignments but then will hold you on edge and not return your grades for half the semester.
7. Conquering your mountain of homework- We have all reached that moment when there seems to be no end to the amount of work that you have to get done. As if every time you turn some thing in you get assigned three more things to do.
8. Group projects and papers- These are never fun, and never go well.
9. Not having your mom there to do your laundry- yes you have to wash clothes or you will run out of clean socks to wear and they will not magically wash themselves.
10. Time management- forget it, no matter how many times you try to make a schedule and stick to it something intervenes and work gets pushed aside. Most of the time its because you decided to binge watch Netflix instead of do math homework, or you went to that party instead of writing your research paper. Don't worry you aren't the only one.
11. Being an adult without instructions- Enough said. No one knows what they are doing when you enter adulthood. Its as if one day you were a child and then you get kicked out on your own to be this whole other person that knows exactly how to live life. Yea that's a negative.