As a little intro, this is the beginning to a series titled "The Struggles Of A College Freshman". Due to the fact that a lot of these things happen to all of the years, it will not be targeted towards solely freshman, however it will be some of my experiences as I go into my first year of college and as I come across new topics, I will address them.
Okay, so since that I have given everyone a little background, let's get into our first topic:Packing.
I paused packing because I had gotten the perfect idea for an article for this week; the stress of fitting so much into such a small, compact space. I'm currently sitting upon my bed, probably the only clean part that I can see, the rest of my room is in complete shambles. I'm looking around my room singing Frank Ocean's song "Thinking About You" because I'm pretty sure he was talking about my room when he referenced a tornado flying across the room.
My biggest downfall when it comes to packing my room up and finding things I genuinely will use is the makeup aspect of things. I have so much makeup it is so hard to decide what I'm going to bring and what I'm not going to. Fast forwarding a little, I move into college Saturday, August 20th. So many emotions are rushing over me, like what I'm going to bring. As I'm packing the big things like my makeup, shoes and clothes, I'm constantly forgetting that I still have to make room for toiletries and cleaning supplies.
I'm going to make things a little more simple for you. When it comes to packing, just know that you will survive not bringing every single pair of shoes you have. It is okay, people are going through the same struggles as you are.
Remember, take a deep breath, and just think of the stress that will be lifted off your shoulders the moment you move in to your new home.