Struggles of Being a Girl | The Odyssey Online
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Struggles of Being a Girl

Struggles of Being a Girl

Last week was Mental Health Week at Ohio State. Sororities and fraternities came together to make a difference and raise awareness about many different mental health issues.

Based on my experiences in a sorority so far, mental health is something so many people struggle with every day and it affects people so deeply. I would love to hear people start talking about it for more than just one week, especially to focus on body image issues.

When someone says sorority girl, I picture a strong, independent girl who isn’t afraid of anything. Words like confidence and worry-free come to mind. But being in a sorority does not exempt you from mental illness more than anyone else. In fact, it could make you even more susceptible.    

Sororities can provide an easy opportunity for constant comparison of yourself to other girls around you. Maybe you’re not as pretty as them, skinny as them, as smart as them. You find yourself worrying way too much about what you eat and how much you work out. I’m not saying that no one should workout and eat healthy. I’m all for living a healthy life because it makes people feel good when they’re healthy! But I do not support self-loathing and putting yourself and your body in danger because you want to change the way you look.     

While girls are using other Greek like women as a yardstick for comparison, they should be used for support, as a tool to lean on when you are upset about the way you feel about yourself. Chances are, that girl you think is flawless is struggling with how she looks, just like you are. Your sisters will always support you, not judge you. If the Greek community would stand together against eating disorders, low self-esteem in girls, and other battles girls fight every day, we could make a huge difference.

Being in a sorority is about putting yourself in a diverse group of girls who accept and love each other for their differences. It is so heartbreaking to see someone you love be so unhappy looking in a mirror. I’ve experienced this with so many of my close friends, and it never gets easier. It is hard to convince someone to see themselves the way you do. Girls nit-pick at all of their tiny imperfections and flaws that are unnoticeable to others. 

These issues are not things to be bottled up and put on a shelf to never talk about again. In the Greek community, and everywhere, all girls should feel like they are good enough. They should feel welcomed, valued and never judged. Talk about yourself and others in only positive ways. A simple attitude change goes far. I hate hearing people I love talk about themselves in negative ways. Mentality is such a powerful tool and changes every instant of your day.      

Next time you make a comment about weight or body image, think about the people around you and how it could affect them. You have no idea what they’re going through and one little comment could take a terrible toll. Make it known to friends and sisters that you are here for them, and that you love, support and accept them for who they are. The battle cannot be won by a single person. As a whole community, we can make a real difference. 

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