You're the oldest, so that means you're the best obviously. To all the younger siblings out there, being the oldest isn't as glorious as it seems. Yeah, we may have bossed you around a lot but a lot of the times...being the oldest kind of sucked for many reasons.
1. We were the tester child
We were the first, so naturally mom and dad treated us like the expensive china in the cabinet. We weren't allowed to do anything, especially watch those pg-13 movies all you youngins' enjoyed before the age of 13.
2. We're old news
Once the youngest was born, all the love and energy was focused on the "new baby".
3. Expectations
Being the first means, parent expectations being higher. You're the tester child and you have to set a precedent for all future in don't screw up too bad because then your younger siblings might follow.
4. Responsibility
Since you're the oldest you have more responsibilities. Yeah mom popped me out first but that doesn't make me a better person....okay maybe it does. But still, why do I have to be the "responsible" one?
5. Time out but tenfold
Whenever we got in trouble it was magnified by like 200. Setting a "good example" for the youngest is too important, so no goofing off.
6. "They're younger, they don't know any better"
This is pretty self explanatory. Mom, he's 16...I'm pretty sure he knows better now. Don't let him get away with murder.
7. Sibling rivalry
When ever you would get into fights it was always your matter who started it.
8. You were the personal baby sitter
Why pay a baby sitter when you have someone to do it for free? Sure mom, I'll baby sit the rugrats, I didn't have plans or anything. I'll also do it for free.
9. Watching them grow up is a jolt to your senses
Your younger brother is now almost a foot taller than you and could probably kick your ass now...its probably time to apologize for all the times you threw him around the house.
10. Your stuff always disappeared
Trying to get your siblings to admit they took your stuff was like pulling teeth...sometimes you actually thought about doing just that...especially when half your things were gone.
Being the oldest sibling is a tough job, and you don't get thanked for it. Watching your younger siblings grow up into young adults and to follow in your foot steps can literally be the best feeling in the world. You wouldn't have it any other way.