With the presidential election quickly approaching, and tensions heating up between candidates and supporters, I'm sure you can imagine it being a difficult time for someone who does not share the same political views as their family members. I myself have first-hand knowledge of this struggle and sure there are more of you out there who do too. Enjoy this nowhere-near comprehensive list of those struggles.
Getting blamed for everything a president of your same party has done wrong
(regardless of the fact that you weren't even old enough to vote them into office originally)
When your parents ask you to read an article about politics
When someone outside your immediate family brings up the election at dinner
"You'll come around one day"
"You're young, you don't know how the world works yet"
"Do you even know what you're talking about?"
"Why can't you be more like (sibling who has the same views as your parents)?"
When your family members parade around the house in presidential candidate apparel
Not being able to discuss politics at all without starting an all-out brawl at the dinner table
The moment when you realize you accidentally said something about the election
"Did you see what (candidate you support) did now???"
Being forced to sit and watch the National Convention of the party you don't support
or any news channel that is obviously biased towards that party
When you prove your parents wrong about something but they refuse to accept it
When your family is talking politics but you're not allowed to speak
Imagining families where everyone has the same political ideology
and being able to talk politics at the dinner table
When you've reached that point where you realize it's a better idea to just never speak about politics to your family ever again (or at least until the election's over)
To everyone who can relate to this article I wish you the best of the next 3 weeks!
Dear Black People, Stop Saying The N-Word Or Stop Getting Upset When Other People Use It