Once upon a time, in a land not so far away; a young college student decided to become a vegetarian. She could not help herself but cry for the innocent animal lives being lost every day just for her to enjoy meat. That girl was me!
For the longest time, I questioned my choice in eating meat. I could not bare to watch innocent animals being killed for the slightest reason, but yet I was okay with eating them. I hate stepping on worms. I hate killing ants. I don't like spiders crawling around but I also don't like killing them. It came to the point where I could not stand eating meat anymore. The thought of it disgusted me and knowing how the animals were being slaughtered made it worse.
The only concern I had when transitioning was, "how am I going to get protein?" I don't eat beans unless my mom cooks it because we are Liberian - I like it a certain way. Yes, I eat lots of yogurt, but that's not enough. I figured I can balance it out, step by step. All that mattered was I stop eating meat as soon as possible. So I did.
I ate lots of cheese pizza and rice. I ate "hella" yogurt and fruit. I ate tofu and brown rice. I even tried meatless meat (this is meat-looking stuff made from soy and grains) on a spinach wrap. I tried all types of alternative eating options but in the end - I ended up not eating properly.meat looking stuff made from soy and grains) on a spinach wrap. I tried all types of alternative eating options but in the end - I ended up not eating properly.
It lasted a month and I was back to eating meat due to some pretty delicious lasagna and a ham and rice casserole. Obviously, my fresh vegetarian body was not strong enough to handle being around such delicious meat items and not eat. As a friend, I believe she sat me up to test me and I FAILED.
I went back to my McChicken nugget eating habits. Chicken bowls with extra sour cream at Chipotle. Bourbon chicken with fried rice at my favorite Chinese spots. Chicken Caesar salads, steak fajita nachos at Plaza Azteca, you name it, I was probably eating it. I had lost my way and after a while, it hit me hard.
Therefore, I found my way back to my roots. I cut off all meat once again and this time - I am determined to stay a vegetarian. I am doing it sorta right this time. I am finding more ways to get protein (I put chia seeds in just about everything). I am eating more fruits and actual vegetables that I never thought I would eat before.
I am super excited for what this journey has entailed for me. Healthy eating starting now means healthier living and living longer.