Despite popular belief, appearing younger than you actually are can be quite the hassle sometimes. Those who are plagued with baby face have daily struggles that only are made present when you look like you are 14—and in reality are 20.
1. People your own age talk down to you.
Here’s an example for you. My brother introduced me to one of the cashiers at his job once. “Hey *insert name here*, this is my younger sister!” She then responds with “Aw! Hi!”. My brother then points out “Yeah, you guys are the same age.” The girl looked taken aback and her demeanor changed towards me as she now knew we were the same age and I was not 12, but 18 at the time. Yeah friend. I am your age. Not aw.
2. You are used to constantly having to show ID.
Recently I went to go see a horror movie, which are commonly rated R. At the front desk, the woman asked to see both of our ID’s so that we could buy the ticket. My friend was confused; he had never had to show ID before even though he was 19. I was used to it. After we successfully bought our ticket, he turns to me and tells me “They’ve never IDed me before. I blame this on you” jokingly. I’ve had to show it for movies, for purchasing a game or movie with a high rating, and anything of the such.
3. Constantly being told “You’ll appreciate it when you’re older!”
Okay but I do not appreciate it now. Thanks, but also no thanks.
4. It is difficult to be taken seriously.
I have to go through special care to make sure that I have clothes, hairstyles, and makeup styles that make me appear my age for job interviews, etc. When you are competing for a job, they would clearly like to go for the more mature candidates. Not the ones who look twelve.
5. Being called “cute”, “kiddo”, “sweetie”, “honey”, and anything else that a mother may call her child.
I’m only like, four years younger than you. What are you doing?
6. Getting asked “What grade are you going into?” despite being in college.
“Uh…. Fourteenth?”
7. Older folks constantly telling you that you remind them of their grandchild
9/10 when you ask how old their grandkids are, it is at least 5 years younger than you actually are.
8. “Honestly I did not think you were as old as you were when we first met.”
We literally met in an only sophomore class. I choose to be flattered that you thought I was just a really smart young’n rather than being offended that I look 16.
Despite all of this, at least you can rock kids sizes and the occasional happy meal without getting a second glance!!!