If I'm being honest, being short definitely comes with it's disadvantages.
1. Always needing to grab a chair and take it to wherever you need it in order to get up high for something.
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Something on the top shelf of the pantry? Looks like I'll have to go get the chair in order to reach it!
2. It seems as though your head has been an armrest for taller folk for quite some time now.
We understand it is funny to you tall people, but I can't say I miss it when it's not occurring.
3. When you tell you people your height they give that look as if they're looking at some tiny toddler.
I'm not a child, just short.
4. When in crowds, there's a good chance you can't see anything over the people in front of you.
Good luck at concerts, that's all I have to say.
5. No matter who you hug, it requires effort from both parties involved.
I think this one speaks for itself.
6. Ordering at Chipotle is like trying to talk during a concert.
The struggle of trying to communicate what you what on your burrito or burrito bowl, but them not being able to hear you because you're nowhere near as tall as the glass that separates you from them.
With every hindrance that comes with being short, there is usually also a nice perk that balances it out.
1. Having generally nice calf muscles.
This is probably due to the amount of times in one day we have to be on our tip toes, such as simple things like kissing your boyfriend, trying to see what's on the grocery aisle shelf, etc.
2. There's usually no issue when it comes to leg room.
It's almost guaranteed that whether you're on a plane, bus or train, you probably aren't aching because your legs aren't being squished.
3. If your lack of height also means you have small feet, then you may be able to buy shoes from the kids section.
This means much less expensive!
4. If you play a sport, you tend to have refs who makes calls in your favor instead of against you.
I mean, is it really plausible that the shorter person knocked the taller person down? Didn't think so.
5. Usually in an formal photo, you tended to be in the front row.
Which meant your face was never covered by anyone else's!
6. It seems rare that you would have to bend over in order to not hit your head on something.
Usually you just keep walking, not even fazed by something or even aware of it.