As writers, we all struggle with writer’s block, grammar errors, typos, etc. However, I have personally found some struggles Odyssey writers encounter most. So without further ado, let’s take a look at the common struggles of odyssey writers.
1.)Choosing a new and current topic. This can be difficult for many reasons. We always want to write something the people will be interested in reading, however, sometimes it just seems impossible. The current topics might not interest us enough to write about them. Or on the other hand, we end up writing about similar things all the time.
2.)Logging into Odyssey. I don’t know if it’s just me, but often times, it takes me forever to long into the site itself. I end up having to type my login info in about four times before it’ll actually process my info and accept my login. It could just be a bad connection, but if you experience this too than it just fits right in with these “Odyssey struggles”.
3.)Typing. Whether you use the writing block in odyssey or some other form of word document, typing and layout can change. If you carry your work over to odyssey, there can be a weird change with the layout and the word count. This can be annoying if you want it to look a certain way and be a certain length.
4.)“Picture is too small”. We are all familiar with this famous message that pops up on or screens while trying to upload a picture. (For anyone reading this who is not an Odyssey writer, there is certain criteria we must follow when we upload pictures.) Even when we meet the requirements of the pictures, sometimes Odyssey will still say that it is “too small”. This is annoying because you have to do all these little techniques to try and get it to work, and even after all that it’s not guaranteed to accept it. This can be extremely saddening when you really like the picture, and it “fits the criteria” but won’t accept it, and then you’re left with the struggle of uploading a second best, or mediocre picture.
5.)And last but not least, having no energy or time to write due to daily life. We all get busy or lazy at times in our lives. This affects our writing. When we are super busy, it is extremely hard to find time to sit down and write an article. Then there’s laziness. This is not a good thing, but it is definitely happens. It is extremely hard to bring yourself to write an article when feeling lazy, but I’ve found that that even when I’m lazy I end up submitting an article anyway. It just took me twice as long to write it.
These are just five struggles that almost every odyssey write can relate too. Hopefully we can find a way to fix or improve these struggles but until then, we have no choice but to just laugh it off and get through them. So to all my fellow odyssey writers, keep on striving for the best and make sure to try to laugh at these struggles, because believe me we all have them and understand how frustrating it can be.