Hi, I'm a college student who doesn’t drink… yes, you read that correctly. Not drinking is my personal choice; it has nothing to do with my family, my religious views, or my health. And I love going out to parties and bars believe it or not! But what I don’t love is everything that comes with not drinking. And I’m not talking about being sober in a crowd of drunk people. I’m talking about all the reactions I get when I make it known that I don’t drink.
I try to weave the fact that I don’t drink into conversations when I meet someone for the first time, so that they are aware of it. I know this isn’t necessary, but I like people to be aware that I don’t drink. This is solely because if you don’t mention it, people will assume that you drink. The majority of college students drink, so it’s not an outrageous assumption by any means. I don’t want people to assume that I drink because then it would seem weird when I didn’t drink out in public. The issue with telling people that I don’t drink is dealing with their responses. The responses range from head nods of acceptance, blank stares and mouth drops of shock, and questions of shock or curiosity. For those who accept it without question, bless your souls. You guys are the real MVPs. As for the blank starers and mouth droppers, relax yourselves. Yes, it’s shocking but please calm yourselves. It’s not like I said I murdered someone. I don’t take offense to shocked responses necessarily; in fact I usually think they’re entertaining! However, it’s just the idea that people are so shocked that bothers me. This is especially true when people are shocked after I’ve already told them before. I understand the initial shock but after that it shouldn’t be that hard to believe. Being sober is a rarity, not a nonexistent characteristic. As for the questions, I get that you’re curious. It is interesting to hear that someone doesn't drink at all. I can see how that would peak one's interest. But you really don’t have to interrogate me. Feel free to ask me why I don’t drink, but it’ll be awkward considering I once counted and came up with 7 reasons why I don’t drink. Truthfully, I don’t think you care about all 7. And please, don’t ask me “how do you not drink?” It’s simple… I physically don’t drink. And yes, you can go out sober and enjoy yourself! And this includes parties and bars! I love partying so much; I couldn’t imagine college without it! It just so happens that I do it sober.
Also, I have encountered multiple people who are determined to change my ways. No, you cannot get me drunk. No, do not make it your life goal to get me to drink. No, you do not have to buy me something that you think I would like. No, I will not have one sip. I don’t know if these people are peer pressuring me or if it’s something else, but their fascination with getting me drunk is just odd. It almost makes me feel like they’re trying to drag me down with them in a sense. Not that drinking is a bad thing, but it makes me feel like they’re trying to get me onto their level. Sorry sweetheart, I’m fine being on my sober level, thank you.
People’s reactions are something that I have to accept because they will never go away. People will always be shocked that I don’t drink or smoke, people will always be shocked that I go to parties sober, and people will always be shocked that I’ve never been drunk. Who knows though, maybe those things about me will change one day. But as of right now, I’m just chilling as a sober college kid.