The school year is finally over and you know what that means: it's time to move out. Packing up your entire room and moving back home is one of the most stressful times of your college career. You've made your own home in your little space but now you have to move it all back to your actual home. This can be even more stressful than finals are.
Focusing on studying and packing up at the same time is the worst. You want to make the most of the time you have left with your friends but you know you should probably be studying or packing. Even worse is choosing studying over packing or vice versa because it's so stressful. Once the majority of your finals are done, you're able to focus more on what goes in which suitcase and how much help you'll need from your family.
The night before you move out is a weird feeling. The majority of your stuff is in bags and you have your personal hygiene products and some clothes for tomorrow left out. The dorm looks so empty and you start to feel the sadness of leaving your little home. You realize new people will be moving into your dorm and making new memories. You give your roommate the last hug as they move out and know that you'll still be friends, even though you won't be living together. You have your last moments with your hall buddies and try to ignore the "When are you leaving?" conversation. Even though you're surrounded by sadness, you try to get the best last night of sleep you can get in your dorm.
You wake up the next morning and feel the adrenaline of moving out pumping through your veins. You try do as much as you can before your parents come up. When your parents do show up, they feel weird because they feel like they just moved you into your dorm and now they're moving you out. You move as fast as you can so you can relax and sleep in your own bed. The is struggle finding an RA who isn't checking out someone else because everyone wants their summer to begin. When you do find an RA, they check your room, take your keys and you make your last trip out of your little home. You say your last goodbyes and leave to go home.
You start to feel the sense of relaxation and imagine sleeping in your bed for the first time in months. This is soon replaced with stress because if you thought moving from your dorm to a car was bad, it's even worse to move from your car to your small room. You start to panic because you don't know where to put all of your clothes and the stuff you won't touch again until this fall. You can't see the top of your bed because it's covered with clothes and junk. You try to make a system that works so you can go back to sleep as soon as possible.
Once everything is put away and your room is clean, you can finally relax. You don't have to think about all of the stuff you put away because it's summer. The school stress is gone and it's time for some much needed relaxation. You don't even think that in three short months, you'll be doing all of it over again and moving back into your dorm.