The end of the school year has finally approached and I don’t know if I want to leap for joy or cry. The thought of summer and relaxation is extremely exciting because it means we can have a break from all of the stress we were put through throughout the school year- but, before we can begin to think of summer we must make it to the end.. which is way more harder than it seems.
Every college student is preparing for exams on top of completing extra credit assignments, last minute projects, overdue homework, and anything else needed to secure their GPA. With all of those piling responsibilities you can imagine the excruciating pains and aches everyone is dealing with due to all of the stress and chaos. Thankfully, there is something greater than any type of circumstance we deal with as college students and that thing is called prayer.
Prayer is the greatest weapon every man can use against the struggles of the world and there is great power behind it. The only thing that is keeping me from going crazy amidst this time of the school year is prayer so, without further ado, here's a prayer for every college student, or student in general who needs some extra glory.
Dear Heavenly Father, we come to you with graciousness and thanks for carrying us under your wings this school year. You have driven us to exceed and to persevere through all of the shortcomings and trials we have faced as college students.
The strength you granted us to make it day by day in our academics is why we are still here today, still pursuing our education and dreams. We ask that you continue to grant us strength- emotionally, mentally, and physically as we finish out this school year. Energy, confidence, and motivation is key to a successful academic journey so please continue to grant those virtues to us. There is beauty in the struggle and that beauty is you.
Thank you for walking with us in these endeavors and please continue to hold our hands as we go forward in our aspirations. Every college student needs you, and we know you have us. Amen.