Recently, I nearly died at the hands of a 50 page group project. Okay, that might be a tad bit of an exaggeration, but in three days, I worked a total of 24 hours writing, editing, and formatting this one stupid paper. Just so we're clear, that's one third of the days spent solely on this project. On the last day, I spent 14 straight hours feverishly working/crying to complete it. Do I hate group projects? Yes. Have I lost my sanity? Yes.
But the saving grace throughout this long and terrible process has been the laughs provided by none other than the hilarious cast of everyone's favorite show, The Office! Seriously, at this point, Michael Scott is pretty much my therapist. So as part of my therapy session, I decided to describe the very high "highs" and the utterly low "lows" of group projects, as told by Dunder Mifflin and gang!
When you're assigned a group project
Trying to get along with everyone
But then you realize your limitations
Having to deal with that ONE KID who NEVER does his part
And the other kid who uses this excuse
So who ends up doing the majority of the project?
Which inevitably leads to this...
Bonding with other dedicated group members
And somehow getting the project done
Finally, getting to turn the project in as a team
In conclusion, group projects are the worst. Inevitably, some people do all the work and some people do none of the work. But they also serve as a great opportunity for mastering teamwork, building people skills, and writing 50 page papers for 14 hours straight! Have I regained my sanity? No, not yet. But I'm going to go watch Michael Scott for another 22 glorious minutes and will report back to you if there are any changes. I suggest you do the same!