Imagine waking up every morning and feeling as if the problems of the world rested on your shoulders. Imagine waking up every morning and feeling completely claustrophobic in your own body. Imagine waking up every morning feeling unrested because your stomach feels like it’s in your throat and you can’t get a good nights rest. Imagine having all these deep feelings for a reason you are entirely unsure of. Imagine wanting to change these feelings more than anything, but literally nothing you do stops it.
So many days out of the month you may have migraines or your body may just ache all over because you are overly drained from over thinking everything in your life.
Feeling this way day in and day out for no reason can really start to affect your friendships, family relationships and your life opportunities'. The worst part is that it comes and goes randomly and the most little thing can set it off.
It’s so easy for people who have never had anxiety to say things like, “why do you let everything bother you,” or “just calm down.” Well, if only it were that simple.
An anxiety disorder is not something one can just “snap” out of overnight. Yes, everyone has probably felt anxious from time to time about a test or meeting someone new. But, this is different and it’s extremely hard to understand unless you go through it yourself.
A lot of the time, people around you never even know you battle anxiety daily. Sometimes its even people you would never expect to be anxious because they show no signs. You truly never know what battle everyone else around you is fighting.
For everyone who has a loved one that suffers from an anxiety disorder: be patient, be loving and be supportive. No one wants to live with a constant cloud of anxiety hovering over them, it’s just how some minds operate.