I saw a post on Instagram the other day that really stuck out to me. It was just text that read:
"Right now you might be in a situation that you think you won't survive but six months ago, you were in a situation that you didn't think you'd survive, and two years before that you were in a situation you didn't think you'd survive, and the point is you will always surprise yourself and you will always make it through."
I saw this post when I was having a terrible day and I thought about the situations that life has thrown at me that I never thought I would make it through, and here I am today. I read that and realized how strong I really am. I have made it through bad days, bad weeks, and bad years. So why would I give up now? Why would I think that I wasn't going to make it past that bad day I was having?
Over the past couple of years I have been through more than most people my age. Life has thrown me curve balls left and right and I never think that I can handle any more of them, but I can. I am strong, I am healthy, I am taking this life day by day. I never thought I would have made it to this point, but I have.
You are stronger than you think. You will make it through this bad day, bad week, or bad year. Keep your head high, there's more life left to live.