First off, I hate you.
You make everything so hard.
You keep me from caring. You keep me from enjoying life.
I have no energy anymore. You force me to sleep my life away.
I want to be happy again. I want to feel again.
I was embarrassed for so long. I didn't want anyone to know how depressed I truly was.
I played the part. I smiled, I spent time with friends, and I pretended everything was fine.
I won't do that anymore.
Now I know that being depressed is nothing to be ashamed of.
Now I know that depression is just an illness.
I got help. I take medicine now to keep you in check.
You still slip up occasionally, but I know I am stronger than you.
I hate you, but I will use you to show others they are not alone.
I will stand tall and tell the world that I have depression.
You don't control me anymore.
I will use my story to try and help others.
They need to know they can beat you.
You're losing your power. We will stand together and overcome everything you throw our way.