Even as a strong, independent woman, I am offended by modern feminism. Though it’s roots are honorable and good, the direction feminism has grown is just as restrictive as the boundaries it was originally formed to break.
Recently I heard an openly, proud feminist state, regarding some of the first women to publish written work under their own, given names, “These women were strong; they had to be, as were those who followed after them.” Now, don’t get me wrong, I agree that any person, male or female, who pushes beyond and fights for new freedom, is strong, but that is not, nor cannot be the definition of strength.
Who are modern feminists to say what a strong woman is? What makes a woman strong? The implications that a strong woman must do more than what she is expected to do also imply that one who doesn’t is weak. In their mind a woman who stays in the house to be “the angel of the home” is a weak woman and only those who fight to live equally to their male counterparts are strong. I disagree.
Strength is making a choice for yourself and doing your best to fulfill the purpose you have chosen. A person does not necessarily need to fight against the current to become a stronger, more worthy member of society, but only against themselves, constantly striving to be better. If that choice leads to the common, professional workplace, so be it, but a woman choosing to stay in the home, become a better “whatever-she-wants-to-be” should be just as respectable.
The way I see it, feminism was originally a rebellion of the suppression of women to advance individually. That’s good! No one should be rejected of opportunity for any reason, especially their sex. Unfortunately, feminism has itself become a suppressing tool, psychologically obligating women to become successful, educated, working professions with high career aspirations. Though that may be the choice for some, it should not have to be the choice of all women.
Feminism has now arrived at the peak of its usefulness because it now harshly judges those who choose not to enter the doors it has opened. Are women who choose to stay in the home and not enter the workforce weak? Some of the strongest women I know are first and foremost wives, mothers, and homemakers. I also know many strong women who are working professionals, my own mother being one of them, and I am grateful for the labors of feminism in making it possible for them to also feel successful.
A woman can be strong no matter what path she chooses or how she chooses to spend her time. Making a choice is what makes her strong! Her personal election should not deem her worthy or unworthy of her gender by anyone, for her choice is completely her own. Thank you feminism for providing the possibilities. Now it’s time to step down and let me walk the path that I choose, no matter what that may be.