With "National Girlfriend Day" and "National Boyfriend Day" behind us, I would like to get some things off of my chest. Here are just a few thoughts from the single college girl that wants nothing to do with a relationship right now and does not understand the point of days dedicated to relationships.
1) Can't Relate
2) Why?
I do not think I will ever understand the purpose in these days. (Except for Valentine's Day, I love that day.) I am a strong believer in always letting the person you are in a relationship know that you care about them. This does not mean you over do it though, I'm not huge on being too mushy.
3) Sappy, Sappy,Sappy
Believe you me, I want to marry a Nathan Scott and I want to be loved like he loves Hales. Yet, I do not want to be a "Woman Crush Wednesday" Every. Single. Wednesday. In. A. Row. It's annoying, and I hate getting on Instagram every Wednesday because of this.
Just be like my man Nathan, because he wins at everything:
oh and one more:
4) It's Irrelevant
Maybe if we started treating our partners, lovers, spouses, soul mates, whatever you want to call them, like they should be treated we would not even have to have a day dedicated to "honor them." How about we honor them every day and stop looking for just a couple days out of the year to treat them the right way?
5) Strong Relationships Don't Need It
In a strong relationship each individual knows, without a shadow of a doubt, that they matter to the other person. They know the other person will always have their back and they know that the other person will always protect them. You see, strong relationships do not need a certain day of the year to show that the relationship matters, because they already do that every single day.
One day, I think everyone will understand what I am saying. You may understand it now or you might not truly understand it until you find your person. I hope that everyone finds their best friend in life, and that they know how to treat them. America should not need a "National Boyfriend Day" or a "National Girlfriend Day," America should already know how to appreciate their significant other.
I'm not going to apologize for the Nathan Scott overload. He truly has shown me what I want in a guy and in a relationship. He always protects her, he puts her first, he loves her more than anything else, and everything he does he does for his family. He is so much more than just a basketball player that married a girl in high school. He's what all men should strive to be like, even if he's just a character on a TV show. Sometimes, the characters in shows and books and movies have to show us what we should be aiming for as people, instead of what we have been. That's the beauty in theater. So thank you One Tree Hill for showing us what we should aim for in relationships, that dreams come true, that you can always have fun, that love matters, and that you can get over any circumstance.