It happens that major part of the world tend to confuse the meaning of politeness and wisdom. Wisdom without politeness can mean nothing, while politeness without wisdom can mean everything. Regardless of how you tend to define each one of them yourself, I want to highlight the importance of having them on your life, most precisely the preciosity of politeness.
In my own words, I tend to differentiate politeness from wisdom in a more broad way: the first one is a quality acquired by birth while the second one is achieved through life experiences.
By this assumption, it turns out that people who are not polite are innocent of this outburst. There exist very well-educated people worldwide who really never exercise politeness in their lives. Unless they have been taught to react in a certain way, they grow and die unaware of certain ways to deal with, treat or interact with a peer. While some reactions are judged deplorable, others can go beyond a human’s way of reacting.
When it comes to wisdom, as stated above, it is something acquired by immersion into life experiences and the diverse struggles the human being have surmounted to reach a certain level in life. The more we are experienced, the more tender we become. Our perception of things changes, and our ways of acting towards others are totally different from a young aged human being.
Wisdom makes us tender, but does not actually increase the level of politeness on us. A best way to discern out levels of politeness is when meeting obstacles: deception, disrespect, enmity, persecution, adversity, diversity of thoughts, actions, culture, behavior, or when we have to react to those we disagree with, dislike, or oppose. No one likes to ask for a favor unless there is a sense of shamelessness. The human being, even animals, pets, are by nature shameful. Do not take for grant anyone who tends to flatter you for whatever end. Most of times, we either tend to silence, block (on social media), or prevent those we think are our opponent, those we dislike, or those who grow a different view of life than we do. I want to tell you these kind of reactions only make us look impolite, or uneducated. They do have an effect on how wise we can become if we chose to react in a more polite way.
With such saying, I want to invite you, the reader, to start forgiving those who act impolitely towards us, as politeness is not something we can easily achieve through life’s experiences or with age. Wisdom is. Unless taught by polite mankind, it’s unusual to meet someone whose life’s perspective conflicts with ours, acts with politeness towards us. Unless being under high emotion, in state of repugnance or harsh diversity, we can’t easily discern who is actually polite. Wisdom is expensive, but politeness is golden; therefore, I invite you to pay more attention, if you can, give it a little bit more of sweat to be polite on your life. Actions like silencing, rejecting, or ignoring a call from someone else just because of disagreement, dislike or diversity, are simply symptoms of how polite we really are. The polite always try to react in a way that neutralizes the enemy’s gut without letting them down. Final thought by Michael Watson “Strong people don’t put others down… they light them up”. So, be strong, be polite!