Yes. You.
You're so strong. You always have been, always will be. You're put together. You can take anything that comes at you. You've never needed anyone because you take care of it on your own.
But you really feel broken. You feel as though something's missing, like each time something new comes along, another piece falls. You've put so much on yourself that you've slowly started to crack, and with each step the crack gets bigger and bigger. You hide it well, you always have. The smile is real, genuine; at least you tell yourself that and hope that one day you'll start to believe it too.
But then you find yourself alone, in your room and the tears start to fall. You wonder how you ever manage to pretend so well in the first place. You feel ridiculous because this isn't supposed to be you. Yet this is you. It's scary because you realize that this must be the real you. You aren't yourself anymore, you're broken. The unstoppable, unbreakable girl, left alone, and broken.
You want to be rescued. Every once in a while you sit there silently pleading for someone to realize, for someone to come along who actually cares enough to realize that even your great days are dark. You want them to realize you're broken. And that goes against absolutely everything you believe. You're furious with yourself for even thinking about being vulnerable. Yet you want them to see through you for just long enough to see what's really underneath the facade. You're so torn between being convinced that you're fine and can handle it and wanting to allow yourself to be as broken as you are, allowing yourself to be vulnerable and letting someone rescue you. Some day. You tell yourself. Some day it'll happen, someday I'll be rescued and taken away from the darkness, some day these silly days will be a distant memory.
And they will be. One day you'll be okay. One day you won't need to be rescued, you won't need to wake up and put yourself back together. It'll be as if you're the person you've always tried to be. You don't need to pretend. You ARE strong. You ARE unbreakable. And you WILL get through it. Whether someone comes along to pick up the pieces or you rescue yourself. It'll happen. One day the darkness will be broken with one single ray of light, and the rest will be history. The darkness will be no longer because you've finally found the light at the end of the tunnel. You'll have broken out of your cracked shell and become the person you've wanted to be. You'll find your happiness and you'll no longer be broken. I have faith in you, have the faith in yourself. It'll get better, you deserve a beautiful life and you have one, find it again. The strong girl is still in there, just let her be rescued. Just this one time.
I believe in you.