Matthew West was interviewed about his song "Strong Enough" after it's release in 2010. He was asked the story behind it, and this was his answer.
The song was written and based on the story of 19-year-old Haleigh... she was in a near tragic car accident, that left her leg shattered and her future uncertain. This poor girl had all these plans and dreams, and then something comes out of nowhere and everything comes to a screeching halt. Maybe you can relate with how Haleigh felt one night in the hospital when her mom was trying to comfort her. Her mom said, "Haleigh, God won't let you go through anything you're not strong enough to handle."
Haleigh responded with all the helplessness of a frustrated teenager, "Well, He must think I'm pretty freaking strong!" Instead of going to college, she's shaking her fist at God. There was something about this letter of a situation that wasn't resolved. I felt like if I could capture that sentiment in a song, it would resonate in the hearts of many people. Although the song is based on her story, I think there could have been many stories I read that this song applied to.
I feel like so many people can relate to Haleigh in the sense that she was going through something that she didn't think she could make it through on her own. Many people go though trials that they think they aren't strong enough to make it through. There are so many people that will tell you a phrase very similar to the one Haleigh's mom told her, and I know I would definitely have a reaction very similar to Haleigh's, shaking my fist at God for putting me through something I thought was super terrible.
It is very easy to feel alone when going through a trial, and ending up resenting God for believing that He left us to go through this by ourselves. But the truth is way WAY more comforting than that lie that is embedded in our minds. God really does not give us anything that we aren't strong enough to make it through, because He is there to help us through it all. We aren't alone, we have Him on our side, walking us through everything.
West's song does not put off the message that we are to make it through whatever life throws at us, but that when we have God in our hearts and lives, He will be strong enough for the both of you. We are never alone when going through the trials of this life.
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13
If you have never heard Matthew West's song "Strong Enough" you should totally listen to it like now!