Girls will be girls, and weekends will be weekends. But, the two shouldn't differ all that much. In fact, every girl should strive to be like a weekend. It's kind of a weird thought, I know, but it's a healthy comparison. Here's why.
Out of all of the days of the week, it's the Saturdays and Sundays that are the most fought for. Every day, Monday through Friday, people all over the world wake up, go to work/school and get on with their day, which is an overall job. I don't mean that in a bad way, but it is. There's work to be done, and these are the days to do it. We fight Monday. We fight Tuesday. We fight all the way up until Friday to finish the workweek, and then it hits us. The weekend is FINALLY here. No more fighting, no more work, no more anything. It's the weekends that are fought for, and they are fought for in the exact same way every girl should be fought for. Don't settle being a Wednesday. Shoot to be a Saturday. Sought to be fought for.
It's also the Saturdays and Sundays that prove to be the most loved days of the week. Everyone loves their weekends because, let's face it, they are so darn sweet, just as the person reading this should be. Show the world your kindness, and be the light in a dark world. If you are that light, you will be loved just as the weekends are. It's simple. Be kind to your people, and you will be appreciated.
Ahh, this one is important, too. The weekends never overstay their welcome. They do just the opposite. They're always leaving us much too soon. That is part of the beauty of the weekend days. Because, after all, we always want what we can't have. Girls, take notes. You should always make sure to leave them wanting more, just like the weekends do. Devote yourself to you, and only you. Don't depend on a man, especially a man that you're constantly having to fight for his attention. Just as discussed before, you should be the one that's fought for, never the other way around.
Girls, be the weekend. Don't settle for being a Wednesday. Don't even be a Friday. Be a Saturday, or even better, be a Sunday. Grace us with your beauty and be sweet to the ones around you. This way, you will be appreciated just like the weekends are appreciated.