This past weekend my aunt and uncle celebrated their 25th anniversary by renewing their vows. I know I do not have much experience with relationships, but my aunt and uncle’s relationship is one that should be talked about. There is something very special about the relationship that they have.
My aunt Gracie or as I call her “Chula” and my uncle Jerry who most people know as “Jefe” and these guys have been a huge contribution in my life; I can never thank them for all the things they have done for me. Anyways, their relationship is not like most relationships. It isn’t picture perfect. Not many times have I heard my aunt and uncle tell each other “I love you” or even seen them show any affection towards each other. They aren’t typical— you wouldn’t really consider them “goals”. In my opinion my aunt and uncle have a REAL relationship. I don’t think they consider themselves each other’s soul mates or each other’s other half, but I do believe they are each other’s love of their life.
For all of those who do not know my uncle he can sometimes come off as rude, but he is just very blunt. He is the exact opposite of my aunt. She is very sweet and she loves to dance and sing. Honestly, she’s just a great person to be around. I am not saying my uncle isn’t a great person to be around because he’s one of the best men I’ve been blessed to know. His jokes could make a deaf man laugh. As I was saying my aunt and uncle are kind of the opposite of each other. Despite that they still give me hope. It gives me hope because too many times I see people who have “found” their soul mate, high school sweetheart, the list goes on and on. I have seen many of those types of couples fall apart. Yet, not once have I questioned my aunt and uncle’s relationship— yes they have their problems, but they don’t try to put up a front when it comes to each other. Each day they have their struggles, but they make the effort to love each other through everything. They do not post on social media to be cute or have attention. Honestly, I am not even sure if they post on social media at all about their relationship. They love each other in person where it matters rather then on the Internet like most modern couples. They are the type of relationship people should strive for. My aunt and uncle have kept it very real with each other and when they made their commitment to each other they intended to keep it and they have.
So congrats to my aunt and uncle for celebrating your 25th anniversary and having a relationship that most of us millennials should strive for. I love you guys.