It’s a fact of life. People get stressed out. Although different things stress people out, there are common ways in which we can deal with it. However, let’s first start with prevention, because why not try to prevent terrible stress-out moments?
Methods of Stress Prevention:
1. Stay Organized.
Keep your desk or work area uncluttered and clean. Having random piles of papers will lead to frustration, especially if you need to find something by searching random piles.
2. Sleep.
Try to get a full eight hours. Just because you think you can function on very little sleep does not mean that your body can actually handle not getting any rest time.
3. Don’t Over Commit.
It's something that happens quiet often. You'll get excited about all these different events, clubs and groups on campus and so you sign up... for all of them! Except you realize that with your class load, friends and homework, you don't have time for everything and the weight of it all is crushing you. This is when you should prioritize and try to find something that you can give up.
4. Don’t Procrastinate.
Procrastinating never helps. This ends with you saving a ton of work for the night before, and once you realize the crippling amount of work you have to get done by morning, you realize you don't have enough time.
5. Exercise.
Physical activity is good for you and it helps with stress; in fact, in can also double as a method for coping. You don't need to start out running four miles or anything in one go; you can build up to it. Start with jogging a mile and build up from there.
6. Relax.
You might think you can handle always being on the go, but in reality you need a break and so does your body. So remember to treat yourself, take a break, pour yourself a glass of wine and watch some Netflix.
7. Make a list.
Make a to-do list! By having everything laid out and in front of you, you will be able to see everything that you have to complete and you can prioritize everything.
Methods of Coping with Stress:
1. Listening to music
Hop on the Spotify bandwagon and find a playlist that fits your mood, or play a few of your favorite songs.
2. Playing with an animal.
An adorable puppy can make anyone's day better. Try to find a pet store that has the option of letting you play with their dogs. (There are a few that do this in order to keep their animals socialized and friendly.)
3. Taking a bath or shower
Sometimes all it takes to unwind from a stressful day is some "you-time." So take that time for yourself, use the fancy hair products, take a soak and then rinse off all the negativity of the day.
4. Paint or Write.
Be creative and exercise the right side of your brain! Let your creative juices flow and draw a picture, paint an image or write that poem, song or story you've always wanted to write.
5. Conversation.
Sometimes we all need to talk to someone. Maybe turn to a trusted friend and let them know what's going on, or call someone that you would feel comfortable talking to and just vent.
6. Clean.
Sometimes cleaning around the house or doing productive activities such as laundry is a great way to de-stress. It helps you organize the mess that is around you, knock some things of the to-do list and helps you put your energy into something.
7. Seek a counselor.
Sometimes professional help might be necessary or wanted. Counselors are people who are paid to listen to you and maybe a source of help to you in moments of stress.