Everyone comes to college knowing that classes will be difficult, but experiencing it in person is always harder than expected. Schoolwork can be difficult where it seems like every class has an assignment due in the same week, and that's before extracurriculars and friends are added in. I know I have had my fair share of moments where I find myself thinking, "is my major worth it? why am I putting myself through so much stress?". Whenever I find myself in those moments where I feel like my workload is impossible I try to remind myself of the goals I've set for my future self and say, "everything will work out in the end". If the goals I've made really are important to me, I will find a way to achieve them and have my dream future.
So what should you do when you feel like life is overpowering you? Remember to take mental breaks and find time to care for yourself. If you don't care for yourself properly, how can you put your best effort into your work? Going for a run, doing a face mask, or calling your parents is a great way to decompress and give yourself a little self-love. I know it can be hard to see the future good that will come after the hard work, but know that it's possible and that in the end, everything will work itself out the way life intended for it to be.