Let me paint the most honest image of college life at this point in the semester. The day starts like any other, and then you remember all the dreadful final tests, project presentations, and essays that are lingering over the end of the semester. I'll even go so far as to say that some of those final assignments are due on the same day.
You take a deep breath and still suddenly feel overwhelmed. After all, there is so much coming up and so much to do. You're just one person, and you just can't deal...but wait.
You can deal.
You are always capable of much more than you think. As someone who is facing these issues just like any other college kid right now, allow me to shed some hopeful light on your busy schedule.
As days before those seemingly gloomy deadlines keep growing shorter instead of longer, I find myself steady and unsure at the same time. Since I am an English major, most of my final exams are not mere mundane tests, but essays. I know what I have to do, and I rest easy knowing that my writing skills can carry me further than I even think they can.
However, I am still a human being who worries about small details rather than the gigantic picture of my life. I think of all that must be accomplished, which makes me feel overwhelmed just like anyone else.
With all the stress piled up in everyone's minds, I want to share how I handle my thoughts.
Part of what keeps me going is something my mother has told me several times: do one thing at a time. Little by little, I accomplish an essay depending on which one has the earliest due date and pace myself. I do not prescribe the "night-before-the-assignment's-due" method. Now if something is due on a Monday but is completed the Friday before, that's a different story in my book.
Also, I remember that pacing myself prevents binge-working; don't do one assignment right after the other. I'd personally recommend a day's worth of space, but if you must work on it a few hours later, then, by all means, do what you got to do.
Stress is a serious issue on human mentality, and it cannot be summed up in one Facebook meme or even this article. I just want all college students to know that whatever tasks you may have are not mountains for you to climb.
With a bit of time management and laser focus, you can accomplish almost anything the college life tosses your way. At the end of the day, the semester may be ending, but you are not. You absolutely are capable of handling your finals whether you think so or not, and most importantly...