It's been raining for the past seven days, I haven't slept past 8 a.m. in almost three weeks, and school is in full swing. And that means it's back to business and stress becomes your lifestyle. If my junior year of college is going to be anything like the past two days, I might as well just give up now.
I'm one of those people that stress about the stress I'm going to go through before it even happens. It's how I've always been. I'm a perfectionist and if things aren't exactly how I think they should be, it aggravates me. Not in the "I'm going to set fire to something" type of aggravation, it's more of "why can't you get your life together" type of aggravation.
I know, I'll just have to get over it and grow up but that's what I'm trying to do. I stress about what I should get to drink with my meal at a restaurant. I stress about whether the pen I'm using will be a good choice for when it comes to studying. Everything is thought out over a long period of time so (I think) won't regret my decision later.
Sometimes the decision I've made ends up not being the best. I can live with that. I may get upset but at the end of the day I'm still alive and well. Every time someone asks me "how are you", I always want to answer "stressed". Is that an appropriate answer? Probably not.
It's difficult to juggle school, a job, sorority events, family and a social life. I often question how I've made it this far in my college career (Not a joke). Then I realize that I have a great support system and they've always been there to help me through it all.
In reality, I believe my stress comes from the fact that I’m growing up and I don’t want to. I’m over half way done with college and it feels like yesterday I was graduating high school. Time seems to move faster and faster the older I get. That makes me nervous. What if I graduate from college and my major ends up not being what I really want to do? Do I start all over or do i just go on just... living? What if I don’t find a job or I do find a job but it’s states away? Will my family be okay with me moving hours away? I don't know.
Life can be tricky, it takes me a lot of patience and understanding to even make it through the day. Don't even get me started about a weeks worth of things to keep up with. I want to be successful and I don’t want to disappoint anyone. I understand that stressing about the quiz i forgot about isn’t going to make or break my life and goals, but it’s the thought... ya know?
So, here's to me and all of the other people in the world that stress about things more than they breath... Just take a deep breath and relax. The universe has a funny way of making things work out in your favor. I should probably take my own advice sometimes, but I just get caught up in the moment.
You may fail that class, you may not get to go to that party you want to go to, you may have to work on a day when you have one thousand other things to do. You're where you are for a reason. So enjoy the moment, life will be so much more simple. Not to mention, worrying causes wrinkles and no one wants that.