stress /stres/ (noun) a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances.
It was not until I got to college, I realized the word stress, took on a whole new meaning. I often found myself trying to balance a social life, friends, family, work, and homework assignments. When one area of my life was not getting enough attention, I found myself overwhelmed.
Over the course of college, I noticed certain time periods cause higher levels of anxiety, tension, stress, etc. When I am working with group members, under strict deadlines, and during finals week, my stress levels go through the roof.
However, the good thing is stress is only temporary! The key to becoming a stress-free college students first begins with ones thoughts. Believe it or not, what you think during the day does have an overall affect on your attitude.
Having a positive out look on your daily task(s) is a first of many to stay focused. Here are 5 stress-free tips every college student should be doing:
1. Hiking
Hiking is a great cardio workout with many healthy benefits. Going on a hike can lower risk of high cholesterol, increase bone density, improve cardio-respitory fitness, and reduce depression. Also the view from the top is great!
2. Yoga
Yoga is a great tool for the body, mind, and spirit. This low energy workout is perfect for any college student because your yoga instructor teaches you how to be in the moment. In addition to conquering meditation, your body improves energy, vitality, and respiration.
3. Technology Break
Sometimes feeling the need to always be connected or respond to that email can be the main reason of stressful situations. Or perhaps preventing you from prioritizing whats important. Take a break and unplug.
4. Reading
When was the last time you opened a book? Well, now's the perfect time to check one out. Enjoy the imagery of your favorite author and get lost from everyday reality.
5. Writing in a Journal
Start writing in a journal. Why? Journaling is a good way to release what has been on your mind for the day or any fun activities that took place during the day. Also, they provide great memories down the road.