Biting your nails into stubs. Pulling on your hair until is falls out. Staying up for hours overthinking every little thing you've done. That's how stress hits me. It's no wonder that it does; Mom did tell me I was spreading myself too thin this semester. So here I am, drowning in work, extracurricular activities, and scholarship applications. It would be easier if I didn't worry worry so much.... so why do I? That answer is simple enough; I'm human. Everyone gets stressed out from time to time, and sometimes you just have to deal with it. Now, I know people hate the phrase "get over it", but sometimes there is really no other option.
Stress is a huge deal that hits every person differently. For some people, it keeps them awake for hours; for others, it shuts them down. For me, I start to feel anxious when I get stressed out. I feel overwhelmed, like I can't do anything right. So how do I fix it? I suck it up and deal with whatever problem it is I'm facing. Now when I say "deal with it", I mean that in different ways. Sometimes I have to ask for help; sometimes I just pray about it; sometimes I have to sit in a quiet room and focus on a solution. Whatever it is, I make sure that the problem gets dealt with.
When you don't deal with a problem, the stress gets worse. It builds up and feeds on your bad feelings. The more you avoid the issue that's stressing you out, the worse the issue becomes. So why do we keep avoiding things? We're simply scared of the outcome. However, I think it's worse to increasingly feel stressed about something and be afraid of the outcome instead of taking care of it and having the possibility of ridding yourself of all the stress. So, don't be afraid to fix things. Hang in there, and do what you need to do to get rid of your stress.