Stress, stress and more stress. That is the only word how I would describe the first week of school. Many say that the first week of back to college should be easy and laid-back. I think sometimes the first week of school can be one of the most stressful times during a student’s time.
Some might think I am actually insane for saying that, but it is true. I am a type of person who likes to have everything completed right when I start a task. I can never leave something unfinished, if I leave it unfinished I will not be able to sleep at night. Therefore, syllabus week is very annoying to me. Going into the semester, I never buy my books before hand. Half of the time I do not even end up touching them throughout the course, which is one of my biggest pet peeves. If I am going to drop over one hundred dollars on the book I better be using the hell out of it. This is one of the reasons why I highly hate syllabus week. I wish I could fast forward to end of the semester and see if I even do use it even if the professor says I need it.
Another reason why I hate syllabus week if finally getting back into a routine. I am the type of girl who likes to know what is the last moment possible I need to leave my warm comfy bed to walk to class. I also like to know where all the shortcuts are to my classes. When you start brand new classes, you have no idea what to expect for the course material and to comfortable around your professor. By the end of the semester you know exactly what time you need to leave your dorm to make it right on time, how hard you need to study for your test, and how harshly your professor will grade your assignments.
These are only a few reasons why I am not a fan of syllabus. Yes, of course, there are some bonuses to syllabus week. For example, I barely have any homework to complete and usually you are allowed to leave class early. I can never seem to pay attention though because all you go over is what the teacher expects from you and how hard you need to work in order to receive the grade you would like to achieve.
Once I am able to get myself back into the swing of everything, I do look back on syllabus week and miss it. To me, it is the most relaxed stress a person can have in his or her life. When dead week finally approaches me, aka the worst week of my life, I cry and wish it was once again syllabus week. But for the moment in time, I wish it was anytime but syllabus week. But what can I say, I always want what I can not have.