I wish I was white, I wanna be ignorant, I wish I wasn’t aware that there’s a lot going on, I want Maat to not have to yell at protest anymore, I’m tired of being the token and always having to do the new dance at parties, I’m scared for myself, my friends my nephews and niece, I want to be big enough that racism doesn’t affect me, no I’m not your nigga, no I’m not your nigga, I don’t care if your other black friend says it, I’m not one of the good ones, I’m not white cause I listen to John Mayer, you’re not black cause you know the first verse to "A Milli (everyone does), no you can’t say nigga, I wanna worry about how many games of beer pong I can play, not where I should put registration, oh I’m jealous of you, but you still wanna be black? No you can’t touch my hair, stop trying to prove to me you’re not racist, Why we still getting mandatory minimums for possession? Why we can’t address drugs in the white community? You don’t see race but why you always bring up black on black crime? No. How long it’s gonna take until you wake up? Speaking up ain’t cool, ima listen to this lil uzi vert though, it don’t affect me so I’m not gonna speak on it, ima lose my friends, my white friends say all lives matter, my vote don’t count, yeah I’m black but not that kind of black, I got my own life to worry about, he should’ve listened, he shouldn’t have resisted, that wouldn’t happen to me, no. You think you’re better than me cause you speak up? Nah you lame nigga, to pimp a butterfly was trash, you heard that new yatchy though? I wish I was ignorant or white which ever gets me home safer, I say too much for one and it’s a waste of time to talk for the other, it’s discouraging sometimes, sit down nigger and shut up nigga, I wanna quit I wanna quit, I wanna sit in my room and get away from the hate, I want to take my family and friends and put them in a bubble away from what’s going on, get big enough that I forget what it’s like to get turned down cause I’m black, I wanna be seen as a dollar amount rather than a black person because at least then they’ll treat me with respect, Mr. Nigga, I wanna be Cam not Colin, I wanna say that racism doesn’t exist and smile as they give me a bunch of money for smiling and doing what they tell me, I wanna be a “good” example for the kids, I wanna sell my soul for safety, no. Don’t tell me what I can’t wear, don’t tell me to stand up during the anthem, no you can’t search my car, I won’t comb my hair, I love myself, I love you too, love is the answer but our protest is the equation, there’s a lot going on
Politics and ActivismSep 27, 2016
With everything that is going on this is my perspective.