The critically acclaimed new Netflix series, Stranger Things, is making headlines as each day passes since it's release. The show came out this summer on Netflix and has hooked avid Netflixers ever since. As a new season is in production and many people claiming it is the best thing on Netflix, I thought I'd add another review into the mix, since I am an avid science fiction reader and fan.
Stranger Things is an interesting and compelling show which makes any curious Netflix browser or binger a likely victim to it's hook. The show starts off as the main character, Will, goes missing and mysteriously disappears after just seeing his family a couple of hours earlier. As the story goes on, multiple characters are introduced including an escapee named "11". The story takes interesting twists and turns that come from grade A filmmaking and scripting. The director was applauded by Netflix studios after the early success of the show and still continues to be praised through headlines from multiple websites. Most of the people at my school are buzzing about the show and have nothing but praise for the series.
My review of the show comes from my interests in a science fiction show and how they are displayed throughout the show. The science fiction aspect of the show is what really brought my interest into perspective. Early on in the show, the parallel coincidences allowed me to understand where the show was going with all of the characters it was introducing. It allowed me to guess and predict what was going to happen with the show, though at times, I was completely wrong with a prediction. The show displayed things relatable to real life, including government conspiracies that, during the time period, were believed to have occurred at the same time and could have been plausible. Many actors have appeared on the same types of shows including the X-files, which is also a favorite of mine and also available to stream from Netflix.
In reality, many of what Stranger Things goes over is not far from fiction but still interests many people. The show is, hands down, a really good watch and the next season holds the same promise as it goes into production. Knowing that the team of actors and writers have already accomplished so much excites us fans while we wait not so patiently for what's next. In my own opinion, the show is a great watch that anyone can enjoy including non-science fiction fans. The show has lived up to the talk it has recieved and will continue to recieve praise in later seasons.