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These Stranger Things Character Traits Will Make You Scream "Relatable Content"

It's the characters that keep us coming back for more.

These Stranger Things Character Traits Will Make You Scream "Relatable Content"


The anticipation for Stranger Things season 3 is finally over! In my opinion this season was well worth the extended wait - it's funny, clever, scary, and every minute has kept me on my toes.

One of the aspects of Stranger Things that keeps us coming back for more is the complexity of the characters. They all have special and lovable personalities, and we can relate to them each uniquely.

Joyce: The Protector

When someone we love is in need, we all feel an internal drive to help them - unfortunately that's not always possible. Joyce watched her " dead child" buried yet still held onto the hope that he was alive.The "protector" in us will continue looking for ways to help even when hope is seemingly lost.

Jim: The Hothead

We all know that Hopper would never intentionally hurt anyone he loves, but he does have a very obvious anger problem. At the beginning of season 3 this was especially evident when he was forced to come to terms with El's adolescence and budding romance. Anger is a normal emotion, but arguably one of the strongest - and we all have hothead moments.

Mike: The Loyalist

n season 1 when Will went missing, Mike believed as Joyce did that something fishy was going on. As he grew into a rebellious teenager he didn't start smoking or drinking; instead he led his friends on the hunt for one of their best friends and into the evil depths of the upside down.

El: The Survivor

One of the storylines I've most enjoyed uncovering throughout the show has been El's backstory. From a young age El had gone through unspeakable horrors and hasn't yet been able to escape them. However she's still sweet, caring, and loyal to her friends. We all go through shit, but our resilience is what makes us who we are.

Dustin: The Goofball

What are the trials and tribulations of life without comedic relief? We all have a goofy side; some tap into it more than others but it's often what keeps us going on our toughest days.

Lucas: The Rational One

When things go wrong, Lucas is always one of the first to come up with solutions. In season 3, he was especially keen on giving Mike relationship advice. Our rational side keeps us sane and helps us brainstorm when we face problems.

Will: Bad Things Come In Threes

We can all agree that throughout the series, Will consistently got the short end of the stick. Hopefully none of us can relate to being possessed by a vicious monster trying to kill everyone in our town, but we can relate to inherently bad luck. Sometimes we all feel like the world is against us, but with good friends by our side we always find a way to overcome.

Max: Tough Exterior

A common coping mechanism is pretending that we're "okay", and putting on a tough face. With abusing family members at home, Max first came off as appearing mean. Once she became friends with the other kids, her tough skin broke down a little and her true personality was able to shine through. At some point we've all used this coping mechanism out of necessity, but we need to be careful not to let it overtake us.

Nancy: Surprising Strength

Nancy is quite the opposite of Max; on the outside she presents as soft and even timid. As the series progressed she became more involved with the whole upside-down issue, and heroically broke the rules in the name of Hawkins. Sometimes we have no idea how strong we really are until we're tested.

Jonathan: Outcasted

Because of Jonathan's dreary appearance and calm, slightly antisocial demeanor, he doesn't have many friends his own age. We've all felt like outcasts for one reason or another, and I'm sure we can agree it's not a good feeling. But luckily Jonathan stayed true to himself, and slowly emerged from his shell.

Steve: Longing To Be Accepted

On the flip side, there's another part of us that yearns for acceptance and will do anything to achieve it. Steve started out as the "cool" jock and was honestly an asshole. When he started to realize that being his true self is more important than pleasing others, he became more likeable and madeloyal, long-lasting friends.

Billy: The Tough Guy

Season 3 revealed that Billy has been through some shit. Similarly to Hopper, his first reaction when upset is to lash out with violence. This personality trait did not make it any easier for the kids to fend him off while possessed by the mind flayer. Life will continuously try to bring us down and if we're not careful, we can easily end up like Billy. Not possessed (hopefully), but unnecessarily violent.

Robin: The Brains Behind The Operation

Robin may have only been introduced this season, but she made quite an impression. She didn't know Dustin or Steve very well at all, but decided to use her bilingual skills to help them. Not only did she help, but she put her entire mind and heart into it especially after realizing the weight of the situation. Oftentimes we try to hide our braininess because we don't want to look like a "nerd", but as Robin proved: knowledge is power.

Erica: The Fire Within

Erica earned a much more involved role this season, and it was a treat for us all. Her constant feistiness was funny, and super relatable. She doesn't take no for an answer and at the ripe age of 10, understands the power of standing up for herself. We can all take a page from Erica's book and keep it around for when we need to get what we want!

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