Stranger Things Fan Art That Will Complete Your Life
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Stranger Things Fan Art That Will Complete Your Life

Here are some of the beautiful pieces floating around the internet.

Stranger Things Fan Art That Will Complete Your Life
Magali Peaches

The Netflix original, Stranger things has, no doubt, taken the pop culture world by storm.

Stranger Things has become a huge deal in the pop culture world, and the art being produced by the fandom is incredible. This show has sparked so much inspiration for artists all around the world. Here are some of the gorgeous pieces and amazing artists that have been floating around the internet:

1. Eleven by Tien Vuong

Tien Vuong is an artist on Tumblr. To view more of her work, visit here.

2. Dustin by Leia Tatad

Leiya (Aka @littletinyghost on tumblr) is a 23-year-old artist and designer from California who is currently living in Washington. Here is the link to her Instagram account so you can admire more of her work and here is her Etsy account if you're interested in snagging one of these awesome pieces.

3. Lucas by Ronique V Ellis

Ronique is an animator and 3D artist living in New York. Apart from animating, she is an avid reader, who enjoys binge watching the telly and collecting quotes. Here is a link to her Tumblr if you're digging her style.

4. Eleven by Rejoice Celadiña

Rejoice is a 20-year-old artist from the Philippines. She enjoys cats, art, and music. Here's her Instagram and Facebook. Her email is

5. Eleven by Kellie Russo

To check out more of Kellie's art, here is her Instagram, Tumblr and Twitter.

6. Eleven by Esteban Vidal

Esteban Vidal is a Graphic Designer at Global Compact Network Chile, where he designs and creates short campaigns and audiovisual material. He graduated from Universidad de Santiago de Chile in 2008 and from Universidad Santo Tomás in 2014, with licenciature in design. His work embrace editorial design to audiovisual, and also works in illustration as freelance. Actually, he's working with Editorial Bordes in publishing his first book. Here's his Tumblr

7. Untitled by May Souza

May is a 19-year-old graphic design student at an art school in Brazil. Her favorite styles of art are ones with only black and dark inks and she is also a huge fan of classic art like realism, impressionism, and neo-impressionism. She also enjoys pastel colors. She has been creating since she was about 16 or 17. She says if she weren't majoring in graphic design, she would like to teach kindergarten. She also writes on the side. To view more of her work, visit her Instagram and Tumblr.

8. Stranger Things by Pauline Palita

Pauline Palita is a Visual Artist based in Manila, Philippines who has her bachelor's in Advertising Arts. She is known for her "Water Color Splash" series, a series of watercolor portraits with different themes and subjects. This piece is a portrait of Joyce Byers in the Water Color Splash series. To see more of Pauline's work, visit her Instagram, Facebook, and Tumblr.

9. Eleven by Magali Peaches

Magali is a Los Angeles and Orange County based artist who is a soon-to-be graduate of Illustrative Art and Concept Design. However, she does have a strong interest in fine art drawing and painting. To view more of her work, check out her Tumblr and Twitter. If you're interested in buying prints or originals, email her:

Stranger Things is no doubt a national phenomenon and a TV show worth creating art for. Thanks to pop culture, we are able to discover new artists in this world of variety and diversity.

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