Unless you have an irrational fear, you most likely will not realize how common they are. An estimated 19 million Americans live with a phobia of some nature. This is a list of some of the strangest and rarest fears that someone may have. You can find a complete list of all named phobias here.
1. Submechanophobia
Submechanophobia is the fear of man made objects that are underwater. These man made objects can range from boats all the way to small objects that are submerged in the water. Imagine having this fear and going on a boat or watching the movie "Titanic".
2. Somniphobia
Somniphobia is the fear of falling asleep. This phobia is most often seen in children rather adults. Somniphobia may be caused by an array of bad dreams or even the fear of dying in your sleep.
3. Syngenesophobia
Are family reunions a complete nightmare for you? Maybe you have syngenesophobia, otherwise known as the fear of relatives. This fear often stems from some sort of relationship difficulty or traumatic event within the family in pervious years. These people have an actual excuse of not going to the dreaded family reunion every summer!
4. Panophobia
Panophobia is the fear of absolutely everything. Just stay home, then again, that might be scary for you too.
5. Nomophobia
Nomophobia is the fear of being without cell phone coverage. It is clear that the newer generations have formed almost an addiction to their cellphones so unsurprisingly, many have developed a strong fear of not having cell phone service.
6. Pteronophobia
Pteronophobia is the fear of being tickled by feathers or just feathers in general. Does this include birds because they have feathers? We may never know unless you too have Pteronophobia.
7. Myxophobia
Myxophobia is the fear of slime. I can assume, if you have this fear, the last few years have been torture for you with having to avoid slime videos on the internet or seeing slime being sold in stores. Hopefully the end of the slime era will bring an end to this fear.
Papyrophobia is the fear of paper. If you haven't noticed, paper is literally everywhere... receipts, books, pretty much every place of work that exists involves paper. I mean, papercuts can be pretty annoying, well, and scary for some.
9. Peladophobia
Peladophobia is not the fear of not losing your hair, but actually the fear of bald people. Similar to most phobias, this is often caused by a traumatic event. Maybe you had a bad experience with a hairless fella or you just simply cannot stand seeing a bare head.
10. Vestiphobia
Vestiphobia is the fear of clothing. This fear may stem from an allergy to a type of fabric and can cause claustrophobia and fear of no escape. People with this phobia mayalso develop a fear of nudity, surprisingly.
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