So recently, as I pursue the internet like I always do late at night when I am trying to fall asleep, I have come across some pretty interesting beauty and fashion trends that I am not quite the fan of...
1. Putting Eyelash extensions up your nose.
I mean this has to be fake... This just has too. The woman who is shown in the picture above is the famous person to have caught the internet by storm on this trend. I forget what news agency it was, possibly the Daily Mail but they made a video of this woman who actually posted this on the internet! The Daily Mail took her footage and added captions, and that is how I was able to see it! Is this not the weirdest thing you have ever seen in your entire life? She is a pretty girl, but these make her look like a 90-year old man who has nose hair.
3. The weird squiggly brow trend
So yeah... I saw this image on Twitter and I am pretty sure I stared at it for about 20 minutes. I love her eye makeup and her hair, the lips are kinda weird and the eyebrows are beyond weird, more like scary. Again, is this a joke? Part of me has a suspicion that a lot of these trends are a joke and people are posting them for fun, but I am very worried for those who take these trends seriously.
4. Braided brows? 
You heard me, braided brows. Braiding your hair is no longer a style. I mean props to her for having a beautiful smokey eye and beautiful lashes, and yeah, although the eyebrow trend is super weird, how she made it is actually very good, still a very weird trend none the less!
5. I don't know what to call these eyebrows, they are just weird
Another weird trend of eyebrows, I don't know how you brush your eyebrows that way? To be honest it sounds kind of painful to brush them that way lol.
6. Reverse Contour 
So I hope for all you beauty guru's know how contouring works, usually, the darker foundations and bronzers go on the outer sides of the face, but on this occasion, you are putting the lighter foundations and concealers on the outside, and it comes out all wack.
7. Reverse Makeup
I don't even know where, to begin with, this look, I think it is self-explanatory and I will let you make your own judgments.
8. Uh... Shoes?
I've seen these online before and they are the ugliest things I have ever seen in my entire life.
9. Pimple Nails? 
This nail trend literally makes me want to throw up it is so gross. I don't even want to talk more about it!
10. Why are these back?
Why are these a thing!!!!!! I don't get it!!! My sister has them, all her friends do and I don't because they are so weird.