The show “Stranger Things” is one of the top series released in July, 2016 in Netflix. Just like most Netflix shows, this one has gained so much love, and its popularity is off the charts! It has also received multiple nominations and great reviews. Even some Google users have voted, and 96% of the voters like this show. However, what about the other, incredibly lonely, 4%? You rarely ever hear of them. Well, you are hearing from one of them right now - me.
I am not saying that I completely hate the show or that I do not recommend it to other people. Nevertheless, I am not a fan of it myself. It could possibly be because I do not usually like science fiction shows or books. It could also be because I get too anxious while watching the show. It could be because I just don’t understand what the second dimension is, or what the animal is and why does it exist? Also, is Eleven from the same dimension? Where does she even come from? There are just so many questions that I need an answer to right away; otherwise, the show just gets too complicated for me.
Besides these unanswered questions, there are some aspects of the plot that just don’t mix. For example, Madmax. What exactly is her purpose in the show? Does she even know anything about the other dimension? Additionally, if the monster is in a second dimension and it's a physical creature, why can it appear in Will’s head or imagination? Therefore, if it can do that, how can it appear inside walls in the regular dimension? I guess fans of the show would answer me with: “It’s science fiction, deal with it”. Still, I don’t feel like everything is very well explained.
One last thing that bothers me from “Stranger Things” is how every adult believes some strange 11 year olds. If something similar were to happen to me, I would be completely insane by now because no one would believe me. That is what the reality is, though. I don't understand why these adults are doing everything that the kids are telling them to do. I guess it might be working for them since they have found out many things, but it makes no sense that they believed them in the first place. In the end, it is just a show, but it might not be for me.