Walk through the door with me, to a place where nothing is as it seems. Why is that? Because everything is topsy-turvy, absolutely nothing makes sense, and it has turned life into this great big mess. What is it you ask? Well, let me tell you this, it's called "journey", and no one has ever been able to prove why it doesn't make sense.
Imagine this, you wake up one morning to find yourself seeing the world in a different way, in fact, everything that you deem worthy are tossed to the side, with the intrusive thoughts of hurdling towards your face. "Why is there a pile up on the I-85 up the road, what were those idiots doing?" You ask yourself, yet you do not realize that if you had been there five minutes ago while driving down the road too fast than your normal driving time?
Riddle me this dear reader, have you ever thought about what you are doing each second of the day? No, you are not. Instead you are just doing, not really thinking. Think of it like this, you walk throughout the day with plans on your mind, yet, by the end of the day you didn't realize the many doors you had to walk through. Did you speak with your manager about moving on up? Or did you just sit there, with your head down, just absolutely giving up?
Each day we are presented a set of doors, each one connected to certain events, they might be so upfront, in fact, it complete and utter silent mess. We pick and choose, sometimes not so wisely, but nevertheless it certainly makes no sense. And that is life, there is no rhyme or reason, and there is no such thing as right place or right time, because everyone's own life is on it's own path, and to say that everyone must stick to a strict time clock is absolutely absurd. Because if we really think about it we all move at a different speed, in fact there is a quote floating around the atmosphere that says, "we are all in the same storm, just different boats".
Pretty interesting right? Now, dear reader, have thought about this? Reread this and listen to the lesson, the one that is written in a dramatic fashion. Ask yourself this, are you aware how your life will be affected? Are you prepared for everything you say to make your life go on a whirlwind coaster?