Dorm fire alarms are infamously moody, set off by the tiniest hint of smoke, steam, or overcooked Easy Mac. Most annoyingly, they enjoy throwing fits at the most inconvenient times - like when you finally shut your eyes after cramming for that big bio exam or as soon as you're about to rinse and repeat. Needless to say, fire drills are the worst. Here are some of the biggest struggles, as told by the cast of "The Big Bang Theory":
1. You're simply minding your own business, enjoying a peaceful night in your room
2. When suddenly the fire alarm sounds, giving you a heart attack
3. Briefly, you wonder what would happen if you just stayed in bed
4. Realizing you probably shouldn't, you scramble to look decent
5. And then you see other's emerge from their rooms like their about to walk the runway
6. You're now prepared to let the world know that you are unamused
7. But nothing is more exciting than the RAs giving the "ok" to go back inside
8. Which is when you learn the alarm went off because someone cooked their mac n' cheese without water