Please forgive me for instigating a collision between the bright joyous and happy holidays and the dark, scary and unknown supernatural.
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But I just couldn't resist. I go to a community college for my non-degree classes, "non-degree" as in not having having to do anything with my career, not necessarily "un-required" for my degree.
My community college decided to host a holiday activity by painting a snowman. The snowman's outline was already drawn for us on the canvas by pencil, we just had to paint the rest.
Now, the snowman you saw in this article's thumbnail, who I will name the "Guardian of the Eaten Worlds" (you'll find out why soon) started off like any other.
A cute snowman, and that's what the painting instructors said. However, as you read his shirt, he "followed the buzzards".
He is a thousand times more dangerous, than anything the Abominable Snowman was.
Okay okay ... what REALLY happened was the table behind me started getting "rebellious" and adding scary and dark features to their snowman. So, I decided to chime in.
I added a spider to his face, added a bloody mouth and just ... more blood marks to his face, in addition to raining black snow.
So my inspiration? Well, I'm a semi-fan and former huge fan of wrestling, and my favorite wrestler right now is Bray Wyatt, and his stable, the Wyatt Family. That phrase "Follow the Buzzards" is actually Bray Wyatt's slogan. He is called the "Eater of Worlds."
The Wyatt Family wrestling stable, consisting of Bray Wyatt (center and kneeling), Eric Rowan (right), Braun Strowman (center, behind Bray Wyatt) and Luke Harper, victorious after unleashing their evil on a prey...
I just like Bray Wyatt because of his dark and unusual occultic and maniacal theme, whereas other professional wrestlers focus on looking angry and jacked or like a Hollywood star. He reminds me of my all-time favorite, the Undertaker and his storyline fiery demonic half-brother Kane.
The Undertaker (right) and Kane (left)
Together, Undertaker and Kane formed the Brothers of Destruction. Almost every wrestling fan knows the Undertaker's slogan "Rest in Peace" and Kane's slogan "Burn in Hell". They're that legendary in professional wrestling.
The epic sight of the Brothers of Destruction, Kane (right) and his storyline half-brother, the Undertaker (left) performing their signature exit at WWE Raw's 1000th episode, after unleashing Hell on a bunch of souls in the ring
Just imagine the forces you see on the first wrestling image, with the one just above this paragraph, colliding.
That's exactly what happened in October of 2015.
Now that's why I went crazy at that time, when the Brothers of Destruction squared off against the Wyatt Family, literally what I called the battle of the underworld.
I was already an adult at that point, to be totally honest, I was jumping around like crazy. I felt like my 6th-grade self once again, when I was an obsessed wrestling fan.
Watch the breath-taking war that made me jump out of my seat here.
See, I call myself a semi-fan for a reason. As we all know, "professional wrestling" is actually staged. I personally find nothing wrong with that, as it is no different than a play, a movie, a television or film series.
There are script writers, whose responsibility is to provide entertainment that sends you flying from out of your seat.
So just like the way I treat a television or movie series that I may have lost interest in, I only pay attention to WWE and watch their pay-per-views when they concoct an interesting storyline.
Unfortunately for me, there aren't many of those WWE programs anymore; partly due to them caving into the demands of angry parents who felt that their children were exposed to adult content.
Now, their programming has been switched to a kid-friendly platform.
So there ya got it. As Bray Wyatt would say before departing, FOLLOW ...THE BUZZARDS! Ugghhh ... I mean ... Happy Holidays!