Let's talk about something no one likes mentioning, not even the victim.
Domestic abuse. Sexual violence. Rape.
Let's talk about the fact that one in three women and one in four men will experience intimate partner violence in their lifetime, and that one in five women and one in 71 men will be raped in their lifetime.
We're going to have to confront it eventually, so why not talk about it now?
There has been an increasing discussion about the prevalence of sexual abuse and assault on college campuses around the United States. Currently, according to the National Sexual Violence Resource center, one in five women and one in 16 men are sexually assaulted while in college. This number is inexcusably high and continues to climb. But what are college students, faculty, staff and administrators doing to solve this problem and bring awareness?
At Central Methodist University, the ladies of Alpha Gamma Psi, a local social sorority, host their annual philanthropic event, Denim Week, in order to spread campus wide awareness on the topics of domestic abuse and sexual violence. As a companion to Denim Week, these ladies began their #StopTheViolence campaign along with other members of CMU Greek Life.
"1 in 5 women are sexually assaulted in college."
This campaign focused on current statistics surrounding sexual abuse and domestic violence and brought to light survivor quotes from both men and women. Their campaign triggered a discussion, not just among Greek Life.
"Man up.
"Maybe you shouldn't wear those types of clothes."
Sexual assaults occur on campuses every year, however, hundreds go unreported. Oftentimes, the university doesn't want a sexual assault to be identified by the media because it will bring a bad name to the university and cause a negative impact.
What You Need To Know:
No means no and yes means yes. It's not the victim's fault. Victim blaming is never okay. College statistics will continue to grow year after year unless action is taken. Sexual violence not only harms the victims but those around them and the university. College is supposed to be the "best four years of your life," but for some men and women, their college campus becomes a personal nightmare. Sexual assault should not be part of the college experience for anyone.
"No one is asking to be abused or assaulted."
This isn't a made-up story for "CSI" or "Law & Order: SVU." It's not a joke, an off-handed comment, or myth. It happens on college campuses. It happens on your college campus. It happens in our residence halls, our house parties and our homes.
"One woman is sexually assaulted every 2 minutes."
Alcohol and Drugs:
Anyone who is mentally or physically incapacitated due to drugs or alcohol cannot give consent. Alcohol is never a cause of rape. If she is sober and he is not, that's not consent. If he is sober and she isn't, it's still not consent. Consent is permission from two able-minded participants.
"Alcohol isn't a cause of rape. It's a tool for perpetrators."
What Happens After Someone Is Sexually Assaulted:
Victims are three times more likely to suffer from depression, six times more likely to suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and four times more likely to attempt suicide.
"Rape lasts a lifetime."
No one is ever asking for it, and no one ever has it coming. Whether it's a man or a woman, no one deserves it. There is no way to prevent it, but through education and information, awareness can be raised on sexual assault and abuse.
"Rape is rape."
*The National Sexual Assault Hotline phone number is 1-800-656-HOPE. Be aware, and help spread awareness on your college campus.*
Thank you to the Gentlemen of Phi Delta Theta/Sigma Alpha Chi, Delta Beta Tau, Chi Delta, and Phi Mu Alpha and the Ladies of Sigma Pi Alpha, Zeta Psi Lambda, Kappa Beta Gamma, Delta Xi Nu, and Sigma Alpha Iota for your support and participation in our campaign. We appreciate your help.
-The Ladies of Alpha Gamma Psi