OK everybody, I think it's obvious now that the presidential election is between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Anybody who disagrees is either very optimistic or plain delusional. Third party candidates like Gary Johnson and Jill Stein seem like they could be very good presidents, in my opinion. As a matter of fact, I like Gary Johnson more than I like Clinton and, obviously, Donald Trump. In reality, these third party candidates have absolutely no chance of winning with the voting system we have. Too many people's minds are set on Clinton and Trump, and many people do not want to vote for another candidate other than these two because they feel it will give more votes to the person they don't want to win. Many people aren't even aware of any of the other third party candidates!
I'm not even going to mention Senator Bernie Sanders because that ship sailed once he decided to endorse Clinton. I say that ship sailed because his endorsement partly solidified Clinton's official selection as the Democratic nominee. His endorsement also lost him a lot of support from voters who voted for him solely because he went against the corrupt establishment of bipartisanship and started a political and socioeconomic revolution fueled by a progressive agenda. Many ex-Bernie supporters feel that Clinton represents the corrupt bipartisan establishment that Bernie went against and that she is also not capable of continuing Bernie's progressive revolution.
However, my main point of this article is not to explain people's reasons for not supporting Clinton, Trump or any of the third party candidates. I can go on and on about the many people that refuse to vote for Clinton because she is corrupt and those that are voting for Hillary just so Trump won't win. These points are valuable information though and, above all, what this article is truly about.
I want to say one thing to everybody: We cannot let Donald Trump be our next president.
To those that are already voting for Clinton because of this reason, kudos to you. I know it is hard to vote for a candidate you already think is corrupt, but trust me, it's much better than voting for a politically inexperienced, potentially fascist, possibly racist, mediocre business man that would drive this country into an economic or social disaster and possibly damage our foreign affairs.
I really want to reach to the #BernieOrBust supporters. I want you to know that I understand you do not want to vote for somebody as corrupt as Clinton, but think about the greater good for the country! It's like choosing between a cake with flies on it and a cake covered in flies, feces, dirt and diseases. Which one would you choose? With Clinton, at least we have a better chance of continuing a progressive revolution.
We have no time for conspiracy theories, right now. Bernie is not a sell out and he was not forced at gunpoint to endorse Clinton, or anything like that. He is a very smart man and he is committed to continuing the revolution. In order for it to take place, though, we need more left-leaning members in Congress along with a left-leaning president. If a conservative like Donald Trump gets elected, it will make all of his policies much easier to get passed since he will be dealing with a Congress that has a majority of conservative members.
Vote against Trump, please! If you want to know more specifically what is wrong with what Trump says, look it up. I don't have time to write it all in just this one article.