America is on the brink of change as the presidency of Barak Obama is finally coming to a close. However, according to many, the popular feeling is that both main party candidates are unfit to be our president. I have to agree that, yes, one of those candidates is extremely unfit to be our leader. The fact is, though, that this person is not who you would automatically suspect. I’m talking about Hillary Clinton and her closet of skeletons.
Why is she unfit to lead? Well we could start with the recent events of Clinton using a private email server, which is forbidden. To add insult to injury, Clinton deleted emails off of the server, some of which were classified. A hacker even maintains that he hacked her server and found many documents. However, this pales in comparison to the second reason she is unfit to be our president—Bengahzi, the horrible massacre of an American embassy to which Clinton sent no quick response. The attack was known about with forewarning and quickly learned about after it began. However, Clinton left them and the men who went in to rescue other Americans to die.
Important to remember though is who Hillary is married to. Do we really want a man who was impeached and had a scandalous affair back in the White House? The Clintons are a nasty pair and you can see it throughout their past. There is a Special Forces operator who wrote a book detailing his work he completed for the Clintons. If the man is to be taken at his word he has killed and mutilated over forty men as proof of death for Clinton approved hits. Obviously this is a serious accusation and the man has nothing to gain from it besides attention, a strategy he claimed was the only way to keep them from killing him off. Obviously this could be nonsense but it does make you stop and think. We have seen how ruthless the Clintons can be in the political ring, what makes us think it stops there?
The final reason to not vote Hillary is simply to reverse the damage Obama has done to the country. Certain programs need scrapped and the deficit needs to be reduced. The same old strategies and theories that Obama holds Hillary will continue. America cannot continue down the path of borrowing and lending money to outside supporters. It is time for us to pull back and fix our country. If the rest of the world burns, let them fix their own problems. Our unemployment rate looks as though Obama’s policies have helped, but rather they have shifted the unemployed onto government assistance and welfare. The time of standardized bullshit politics is at the edge of the precipice. The people tire of the same old policies, ideas and political families running America in a circle chasing personal fortune and leading the country down paths beneficial to them not the people.
Regardless of whether you hate Trump or not, it cannot be argued that he is a politician. He is not even close to being what we are used to seeing during the election cycle. On the Democratic side, Bernie has had a great campaign and has shown that the people support him. These two figures represent the will of the people. Hillary is nothing but the same old political establishment that has failed us to this point. You can try to argue that she is less biased and more open to people of all colors and wealth levels. To this I would argue, she is just a good actor playing her part. Hillary is restrained and careful with every word, and she speaks with the tongue of a serpent. Like Trump or not, at least you know he’s going to tell you exactly what he thinks about something. Hillary cannot be allowed to lead our country or America will continue to slip into the background, a country once a sole superpower reduced to cowering to political correctness and a liberal agenda.