This Halloween, please don't wear a clown costume.
Please don't think it's okay to jump out at someone on a street in a clown costume. It's not that I'm worried about the person being terrified. I'm more worried about the clown. Stop clowning around. Will that phrase ever be funny again?
I'm sure I know what's going to happens if a clown jumps out on me. I'll be beyond scared straight. I'll be permanently mentally scarred. Also, the cops will be called.
If this were 7th grade, I wouldn't be calling the cops. In fact, I probably would have commended the clown for being a great scare on the night of Halloween.
But, in today's world, clowns are scaring people before and after Halloween. Not just clowns in movies. Clowns that say they're going to kill people, forcing public institutions to shut down. Clowns that try to lure kids into forests. Clowns, that are suddenly maniacally violent.
However, as scared as someone may get on Halloween, I don't think that a person should be scared for their own life.
I realize that not all clowns are bad clowns. However, nobody is willing to take a chance on any clown right now.
With all that has gone on with clowns lately, if you're planning to go as a clown for Halloween.. just don't. People are scared for their lives when they see a clown. Perhaps you should be scared for your own too.
Please think before you decide to jokingly put on a clown mask this Halloween. To many people, you're a target - a predator.